- Introduction
Environment, climate change and disasters statistics are an emerging and cross-cutting field that require inter-institutional collaboration for their production in the countries of the Caribbean region. They are also vital for the monitoring and reporting of global and regional frameworks (e.g., 2030 Agenda, the Escazú Agreement, the SAMOA Pathway, the Paris Agreement, and the Sendai Framework). However, their measurement and monitoring are an enormous challenge, and of the three pillars of sustainable development, the environmental is the weakest pillar and is clearly insufficient to meet the growing demand in the Caribbean subregion.
- Objectives
The Environment Statistics Unit of ECLAC within the frame of the Statistical Conference of the Americas (SCA), organized this side event webinar aiming to show the progress and challenges of environmental, climate change and disaster statistics and indicators in the Caribbean subregion. Experiences related to indicators produced or developed by countries of the subregion will be presented, as well as progress in the production of a resilience database for the Caribbean subregion. There will also be a session for discussion and questions.
Nota Conceptual y Agenda
Otras infromaciones: https://www.cepal.org/en/events/caribbean-activities-related-measuring-…;