Regional cooperation and integration

Advancing towards an inclusive social development within the region requires further discussion on the challenges that regional cooperation and integration can and should address. Not only international relations through government entities allow for progress in this area of the RAISD; contributions from civil society, academia, or non-profit organizations are also key actors. Therefore, one of the challenges within this axis is the articulation of all the actors that can cooperate with their capacities and knowledge.


Which of the Lines of Action of the RAISD Axis 4 on Regional Cooperation and integration could be prioritary for the Caribbean subregioni?

Lines of action:

4.1 Forge linkages between the commitments and exchanges of the various regional and subregional forums to support implementation of the social dimension of the 2030 Agenda, within the framework of the mandates of ministries of social development and equivalent entities and of the Regional Conference on Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean.

4.2 Strengthen the spaces and capacities for international cooperation among ministries of social development and equivalent entities, through channels and mechanisms for South-South cooperation on development and social protection among Latin American and Caribbean countries and with other regions.

4.3 Create joint working groups on specific thematic and policy areas identified by governments, made up of specialized technical teams from countries, to promote experience-sharing and to foster common agendas at the regional and subregional levels and among countries from different subregions, as well as civil society participation and dialogue.

4.4 Promote the exchange of experiences relating to institutional frameworks and management of social development policies and programmes, especially with regard to best practices in intersectoral coordination and mechanisms to ensure their financing is sustainable.

4.5 Further comparative research and regional discussions on issues related to inclusive social development, strengthening and coordinating networks of specialists from government, academia, civil society, the private sector and other regional bodies.

4.6 Exchange and disseminate information and statistical data, taking advantage of regional and national public goods such as observatories and forums related to social development.